Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's about your perspective

I am so glad we here in Springfield missed the worst of the ice storm. It still brings back the memories of generators running and long dark nights. My son was wishing the power our would go out. I asked him why and he said it was like camping in your own house. He had a good point, and it was interesting to see how you could actually survive without the luxury of electricity. It is all about your perspective and he decided to make the best of a bad situation and enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter weather

I sure looks pretty outside. As I sit here and enjoy the sites of winter, I am thinking of all the work this beautiful mess will cause for me. It will be a cold tiring day of shoveling the drive first so I can get off of the hill I live on, then off to the farm to make sure the calves are well taken care of. Oh well, what else did I have to do today?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Here we go again?

I sit here writing out my blog while keeping a keen ear to the weather. The good ole' reliable weather man is calling for ice, sleet, or rain. This brings back bad memories from the last two years. All of the cold, dark nights and the long cold days working outside. I hope we are spared this time. I can handle snow and sleet but please no ice.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Enough already

I am so sick of hearing about politics. For the past two years we have been immersed in a sea of back biting and name calling. Yesterday hopefully will be the point where it will all slow down. I hope the new President will help turn things around. But it sure was nauseating to hear the media go on and on about him. And by the way is it that big of a deal what his wife wears?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It happens in threes

Have you ever noticed things happen in threes? This seems to only apply to bad things. Today I got a traffic ticket, had to send my tractor into the shop for repairs and now I sit and wait for the furnace repair man to fix the furnace. Just when you start to get ahead in the money department it all goes right out the window. I can only hope it is not a doubly special day and I have three more treats waiting for me around the corner.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Think about it

A duck walks into a pharmacy and asks the employee for a tube of Chapstick. The employee gives it to the duck and asks "will this be cash or check"? The duck responds "just put it on my bill".

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a Deal

We have all heard the Jeff Foxworthy sayings "you might be a redneck if", well I have witness to one and it is too close to home. I have a cousin by marriage, I want to make this part very clear by marriage, who had a close relative die, lets say her MOTHER. I have always enjoyed her quirky antics, by saying enjoy it makes for good stories to laugh at her. At her mothers funeral, a very sad and somber event, out comes her pet dog. Note the service is at a funeral home with a very traditional service. The dog did not escape and follow her here it was brought to enjoy the service. As you can imagine the eyes began to roll and snickers began. It's nice to know that no matter what the occasion is we can always find something to laugh at.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Need to do more clean living

Why is it good ole' Missouri weather strikes at the least appreciated time? Today I went to break the ice on the pond for the calves and set up the bubbler to ensure the water stays ice free for the up coming cold snap. While driving to the farm the thermometer in the truck was reading 45 degrees. I get to the farm and get on the tractor with a light jacket on and noticed the air was a bit chillier. The farther away from the warm truck, on the open air tractor ,I got cooler, cooler, colder and colder. I get the bubbler in and working, climb back on the tractor and put it in the shop. As I shiver and climb back in the truck and warm up I notice the thermometer now reads 36 degrees. I head to town to do errands and now am reading the thermometer and watch it climb back to 45. I guess all of the clean living I thought I had been doing had worn off and I was paid back with a little jab from mother nature.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's all about attitude

Today I saw the funniest site. I saw a elderly person riding their "Jazzy Wheel Chair" down Glenstone. They were rolling along as if they owned the road. But the main thing that caught my eye was what they were wearing. They had on a full face motorcycle helmet and a leather jacket. I guess no matter what your situation is in life you can still have a little attitude and feel the freedom wind blow in you in the face. Also I'm sure it feels good to flip the bird to people that honk at you.

Monday, January 12, 2009


This is the inaugural post to my new project. I hope to keep it more entertaining than opinion.