Tuesday, March 31, 2009

End of school

The end of school is in sight, at least for this semester, and I am ready. It get the blah's about this time of the year. Spring break was too short and the summer is too far away. I now have to put my nose to the grindstone (cliche) and get my work finished. As with all things it time this will too pass.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Uncle Sam is doing it again. The Government has fired the CEO of GM. I guess we are now closer to a socialist state than ever before. They are ass deep into the private sector. Why did the Government not let them fail early on? When will this stop? Perhaps when we all think and do as they tell us too.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break

Spring break is over and what a great week it was. My son and I spent the entire week on the run. We worked on the farm most of the week but had time for fishing and even a trip to Branson. I just wish we had another week together. Like they say time flies when you are having fun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am sitting here on my back porch enjoying the spring rain. It stinks that I can't go and do what I want outside, but it sure is nice and relaxing to sit here and watch it rain. The smell of rain and spring can't be beat. I wish I could bottle it. I sure I would make a fortune.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Feel the wind

If you stepped outside today I am sure you felt the wind. It was so strong I threw a chain against the side of the house and it stayed there all day. I did have a casualty though. I had a tree break in half so I got to clean that mess up. At least it was warm.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

Spring break is here and it looks like rain. I have a busy week planned with my son fishing, camping and planting garden. I wonder how much I will get accomplished? That's OK I have plans A through Z so I hope I have all bases covered.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well the politicians are all upset, at least in public, about AIG and their bonuses they paid. What a surprise. AIG has had bad management for years. I say charge them 10% interest on the Government loan. If they pay it back, who cares what they do. In time hopefully they will either improve or go away. We know Uncle Sam will not let them go away.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Sickness

I have read on a few blogs that sickness is making it's rounds. It seems it always makes one last final push when the weather starts to get warm. I think it makes you feel worse when you are stuck inside and it is warm and sunny outside.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I was able to get the garden tilled up this weekend. I can taste the tomatoes now. It is so nice to be able to work outside all day and not freeze to death.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am amazed as I watch the news how many people are being caught and charged with stealing money. Do these idiots that are stealing money from their jobs or their clients not watch the news? It happens over and over again. They always get caught. A word to the wise, don't steal.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Farm

I was down at the farm today and the cattle are looking good. They are fat and sassy. I don't care for all of the women in my life to have this trait, but for them it is great. The grass is starting to grow and they are loving it. I think at times I could hear them laughing about the nice warm grass filled day.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Beautiful Day

What beautiful weather we have been having lately. This is my favorite time of year. Everything starts to get green outside and the cold weather will soon be gone. I think the main reason this is my favorite time of year is because this is the farthest point away from winter there is.