Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stimulus Package

Well it looks like the talking heads in Washington have worked out a deal for the stimulus package. It still has to be voted on both both the House and Senate, but it appears it will pass. I hope for all our sakes it helps. I guess time will tell. If not we will have to throw all of the bums out of D.C.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring storms

It appears we have had the first of our spring storms. How terrible all of the people killed in Oklahoma. Even here in town we had damage. Fortunately no one was hurt. This is one of the joys of living in the Midwest we get to enjoy storms of this nature.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It is that time of year again!

If you were wondering, it is true. I have witnessed it with my own eyes and the rumors you have heard are correct. The White Bass are officially making their annual run. This is my favorite time of year. The weather starts to turn nice, you can go outside without such a heavy coat, and you can catch fish. Just for the record the catch totals are still low but the fish are starting to bite...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why can't we all get along?

I have been watching the news and reading some blogs and have noticed we are a mean and hateful nation. All I hear about is I hate this ,and I hate that, and how terrible of a person so-and-so is. What happened to the days when you met someone in the store and you just exchanged a smile?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The calves made it through the snow storm quite well. They looked pretty pitiful standing out in the sleet storm all covered. But it did not seem to bother them. The had shelter to get in, but they didn't they just stood out in the snow and ate. It still amazes me how adapted animals are to the weather.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tough Times

Today I am in the process of paying a small bill I received from a doctors visit. I saw the doctor back in November, and I am still having trouble with the bill. I received my bill and called them, and tried to pay it with a credit card. Less than a month later I received the same bill as unpaid. I called them a second time and tried to pay it again. Today I called for the third time and it still has not been placed on my credit card. Perhaps the third time will be a charm. I thought we were having tough times in America with the economy. I guess the medical industry is doing fine.