Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Blogging has been an interesting experience. I am not sure I totally had fun with it, but it is okay. At times it is hard to think of things to talk about. I am sure even when I do blog about something most people could give a crap less about it. It does make you think, and it gives you writing practice. My attention span is too short to stick with anything too terribly long. So have no fear bloggers I am afraid I will not put you out of the blogging business.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A lot of bull

I am in the process of looking to rent a bull. Did you know you could do such a thing? Yes you can. After I got to thinking about it it seem to be I am looking for a male prostitute. I am not sure how I feel about that. Besides that what will the heifers think about it. Will they look at me funny after the deed is done?

Sunday, April 5, 2009


When is it going to be Spring? The calendar says it is but the weather is not showing it. There are snow storms up north along with lake effect snow. It seems this global warming is killing us. I guess if I didn't talk about the weather I would gripe about politics.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

End of school

The end of school is in sight, at least for this semester, and I am ready. It get the blah's about this time of the year. Spring break was too short and the summer is too far away. I now have to put my nose to the grindstone (cliche) and get my work finished. As with all things it time this will too pass.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Uncle Sam is doing it again. The Government has fired the CEO of GM. I guess we are now closer to a socialist state than ever before. They are ass deep into the private sector. Why did the Government not let them fail early on? When will this stop? Perhaps when we all think and do as they tell us too.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break

Spring break is over and what a great week it was. My son and I spent the entire week on the run. We worked on the farm most of the week but had time for fishing and even a trip to Branson. I just wish we had another week together. Like they say time flies when you are having fun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am sitting here on my back porch enjoying the spring rain. It stinks that I can't go and do what I want outside, but it sure is nice and relaxing to sit here and watch it rain. The smell of rain and spring can't be beat. I wish I could bottle it. I sure I would make a fortune.